Outfit: Doe, A Deer

 Would you believe me if I told you I had never watched Bambi until after I graduated college? This is no April Fool's joke. Believe it or not, that’s what happened. As a child, I’d always heard other kids talking about Bambi and Thumper. I’d seen the posters, toys, and commercials. I’d seen glimpses of the movie here and there but never the entire thing. Somehow, unexplainably, I just never got around to watching it.

 For me, it was The Lion King all the way. That was my childhood. Pocahontas was a close contender, but how could brave Pocahontas (who cares about John Smith) win over Mufasa and Simba…! Anyway, when I finally did finish the entire movie, I felt incredulous. How in the world had I not seen this as a child? It was so good! And now that I have, I can’t not think of Bambi when wearing this dress. I really can’t!

 What does this have to do with the title? you ask in outrage. 

  Nothing, I say. Nothing at all.

P.S. I love the old hand-drawn Disney movies. Oh, sweet nostalgia.
P.S.S. The Sound of Music


What I wore:
Dress: Larmoni
Sandals: New Look
Purse: Ross
Photos: John & me



  1. I loooove this outfit. That dress is just perfect on you!
    I love Bambi and Disney in general too. And sound of music, I actually started singing it when I saw the title.
    Hope you have a great weekend.
    Much love,


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