Outfit: Because there are no words...

 "This is an evening of wonders, indeed!"
-Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (1813)

 This outfit is easily one of my favorite ways to wear this blouse. We went for a nice, romantic dinner with my boyfriend this weekend at our favorite mom-and-pop Italian restaurant. I knew it was a bad idea to wear a white blouse. As the warning goes, never wear white when eating pasta, and lo-and-behold, my bf dropped a piece of manicotti and it splashed bright orange pasta sauce all over all. Needless to say, we went on an emergency run to our local Target to pick up some Tide to-go, but it was too late! After two washes, I've gotten most of the stains out but if you look carefully, you'll see the remnants of our dinner still lingering.

What I wore:
Blouse: Larmoni
Skirt: Pins and Needles via UO
Shoes: eBay



  1. Beautiful outfit! And love that you quoted Jane Austen at the beginning of the post. :) And sorry to hear about the stain! I always have good luck with the Oxiclean stain remover stick...I should basically never be allowed to wear white, because I will inevitably stain it, but that oxiclean stain remover always does the trick.

    1. Thank you, Lindsey! Perhaps I'll get myself the Oxiclean stain remover, too. I'm the same way about wearing white but sometimes it just can't be helped!

  2. You look amazing! This outfit is sooo beautiful! I love it!

    Much love,


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